Tuesday, June 29, 2010

like a BAUSSS!!!

Whats the deal with coming on time anyway?! who does that anymore? haven't we evolved enough to do all the work we're supposed to do in twenty minutes less time than usual now? I think we have; maybe even thirty minutes less time.

When i was working in ABB i thought this might be too much site work for my taste, but i really wasn't running the show so i expected things to be different once i got permanent. I didn't get the job there. I kept looking for another job, expecting the average desk job to be one of those pleasures that seemed so distant, and alluring just because of that.

Now i do have a desk job, and apart from the time i'm working,( which is quite frankly, just a little more than half of my office hours) it sucks balls, yes, BALLS!
what, in the name of gillani's left moustache is one supposed to do while not working and still in the office? do you chat? facebook? blog? call someone? something that would make you look significantly busy when you're actually not. Or one could do the "working proactively thing" y'know; that should be something.

i imagine a desk job would only be bearable if one were to be the boss, otherwise...

1 comment:

Island Gal said...

Hey, I have been nominated for "Best Eye Candy" on the 2010 Blogluxe Awards! Would you be kind enough to vote for me (NYC Island Gal)?