Sunday, May 15, 2011

beer bellies without beer
fake smiles without cheer

long conversations, to no avail
longer friendships, epic FAIL

sacrifice, overrated
victory and failure, fated

if i could only make sense of all that thought
i would be God and not just a dot

Saturday, May 14, 2011

ufff! games...

Chivalry- have you ever thought about the word? If you're around 20 you've probably heard it as part of the common English phrase: "chivalry is dead". What about the time it was alive then? Were those better times? I like to imagine they were. I imagine because things are never as they seem. There are always more than two interpretations to any thought, we think about it and validate one or the other of those views based on subjective and objective elements; depends on the mood i suppose.

This is the definition of chivalry on

The sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor and dexterity in arms.

Helps one understand the concept, but doesn't really define it in the most practically applicable way at all. What is chivalry to the common dude? helps when no one else can:

An idea developed by the first queen Eleanor of England. Basically, it encouraged gentlemanly behavior between knights, and proposed a system of courting ladies to gain their hearts instead of dragging them home by their hair (sarcasm).

I like how whoever wrote that definition felt the incessant need to write (sarcasm) at the end of that. Anyway, considering that its true, did anyone ask the women if they reaaaally didn't like being dragged by their hair? Because as most of us have seen from experience, its the most carnal and rudimentary of acts/ habits that women most like in their men. I write their men because figuratively dragging a woman back to ones crib by the hair is generally frowned upon in all societies, so its not the best idea to do something on those lines when meeting someone for the first time. First, one has to court them properly; be all nice and chivalrous. Then, once they're hitched, its not enough/required at all to be chivalrous. Then, they want the caveman. It can be the other way around too.

Anyway, the point is that a man can only be a night or a caveman. Never both. Except ofcourse if one of the persona's is a facade. So what is required of us is simply designed to leave us with male patterned baldness, games like these that women have devised are probably the main reason men start losing their hair naturally. Its become our nature. You'd think a man would have control over some things in a male-dominated society!