Thursday, May 20, 2010

What to do after Facebook...

No no, put down the blade you were going to cut your wrists with, and get off the roof if you were gonna throw yourself over. This is definitely not the way to cope with the absence of facebook in your life.

You should start off with counting what you REALLY did on fb all day, think about it... think really hard. If any of the things you did involved farmville you should go kill yourself now! drown yourself, its more painful that way. But think about it, you never really did anything constructive on fb anyway. Now you probably think i'm going to try and convince you that its all for the best.

But its not, everyone has the right to waste a bit of time on facebook, (even you losers who play farmville and any other zynga game other than mafia wars) and I hate the PTA for taking that away from us. They should probably be sued or something, but i don't think we can do that in pakistan.

Does the fb block really achieve anything? i don't think so, but we have short memories, and we'll probably switch to something else (you should remember how we discarded Orkut like it was just a piece of meat).


Brittany said...

This post cracks me up. I deactivated my facebook back in April because I was wasting so much time (yes, and playing Zynga games)! I am shocked to hear your country banned it (I saw your post on 20sb). It was kind of a big shock to be without it for a few days. Now I forget it even exists. I'm interested to see how popular it still is when it is unbanned.

basim said...

facebook was pretty popular here, obviously because of the farmville pandemic, but even apart from that, I just liked it because i stay connected with whats going on in peoples lives, or atleast what they wouldn't mind telling... you can tell i'm not the sort who updates their status after every sneeze.. :)
its kind of strange to admit, but facebook was the easy way out; it gave everyone the perfect illusion of being connected. and you could always stay 'connected' to people you didn't really wanna talk to or text much...
i'm such a meanie :S