Friday, April 2, 2010


WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with people in this country? How did we come to this? Why is the model of our society based on screwing people over? Have you ever noticed that people actually take pleasure in screwing over people around them just for the sake of it...?

This is what i witnessed today: I was in the second lane, and this incident took place in the first, this Corolla was driving pretty slow, slow enough not to be in the first lane. Now this other Corolla came up behind the first and started honking the fuck out of his horn like he was gonna crap his pants or somethin'. Now the second Corolla guy was an asshole, I admit, but guess what the first one does? He bloody slams on his brakes and the second slams into the back of the first one. What the fuck was THAT? These two weren't even drivers (chauffers), they actually looked like sane, God fearing individuals. Thank goodness i was moving too fast to witness the end of that debacle!

And yesterday. I was parked in the Liberty U, and actually properly parked (thank my lucky stars!). Anyway, the car to my right started backing out- oh, and for those of you who aren't familiar with the parking situation in Liberty, its a complete buttcrack!; double parking and all that shit- and a car, two cars to the right started backing out. This driver dude was parked behind the car to my right, so he moved his car a little ahead to let the car on my right back out. Now driver dudes who bring the mem sahibs to Liberty really love to properly park their cars, sit in the shit position on the parapet wall of the Liberty walkway and scratch their balls. So like every other ball scratching driver, the one moving his car was eager for the chance to give his a little scratch. Now as he moved his car forward, the car two spaces to my right started to back out, he was very stuck, and irritated, because if he'd waited those few moments of time, he could've parked where the second car was backing out. Anyway, he backed up to let the second car out, but because of his lapse of concentration due to his itching whatever, this other ball scratcher quickly parked in the place of the second. Well he still had the spot the first car vacated but no! this asswipe in a Lancer honks the living shit out of all of us and parks his car in the spot to my right. WHY screw over the poor driver dude? whose only wish in life was to sit on that parapet and have a little public scratch...

Somehow, we've degenerated into that annoying little kid from the simpsons, the pinnacle of whose life is to have a good "HA HA!" at some poor bastard. All I'm waiting for is for us to turn yellow any moment now...


Unknown said...


Sana Aziz said...

God, i've always hated it there. Now, i know were a patriotic lot and wish that everything should improve if we just close our eyes tight and pray hard enough but its pathetic and your'e right. i just hate our traffic, its not the excess of cars its the excess of testosterone in the air, prepping its muscles like a raging bull to come and hit anything and anyone that comes its way. i hate that we inevitable get followed home by some idiot and that if you smile at an aunty she replies with a scowl. Great, now youv'e reminded me why i left, and now i dont want to come back.
PS: i also hate it when the beat the shit out of anorexic animal because theyre too weak to race faster than that stupid mehran.
PS ps: i hate all that too Basim, but there was no need to bring Nelson into this.