Obviously, the smart thing to do is to appreciate your university and remember the good stuff. Most mistakes/misfortunes in life, we can choose to forget, but ones university is the one thing that NO ONE lets you forget; friends, family, em...ployers, colleagues, subordinates... children. Its the one thing that can never be wiped clean, never forgotten!
And about appreciating the finer things about the university that granted us Undergraduate degrees like they were used shoes; what bothers (at least me) isn't what was wrong with the university, but how wrong it was, and how good it could've been, if not for the douchebaggery of a lot of different individuals. Its about extant expectations crushed in an instant (a semester), its about nascent dreams blown away... but well, I don't suppose this is either the time or the forum for a veteran Fastian to launch a tirade against the organization which, admittedly, did give him a couple of very good friends and taught him a lot about life.
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