Sunday, July 25, 2010

my blog is carbon neutral... or at least it will be...

I've added a badge and heres a link to the webpage:
its a german initiative by the looks of it, and its great, and heres why:
when we look at it, it doesnt seem like we're harming the environment at all, sitting comfortably at home, on our laptops, watchin tv... all we're doing is using some electricity right? its not like our tv's and laptops run on fossil fuels or anything... but no, at a macro scale, we are quite directly using raw resources... and on that same scale, we are contributing towards destroying a lot of the environment...
its time to give something back i suppose; and i really hope they do plant that tree, and take care of it too, anything to help yknow...
theres this other thing that came to my mind too; we've been using up a lot of paper to write and stuff, and well, paper comes from trees, and we have contributed to a lot of deforestation in lieu of that, i guess... so if these guys plant a tree for every blog, it might actually reverse that process... i suggest you check out the site if you have a blog, or even if you dont... :)


Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm joining too ^^
You have a really nice blog :)
I'm following you

Xoxo ♥
Pinkie Anggia

SR said...

plant a tree for every blog. such a good idea!